Why to learn chess

Chess is a great educational tool that improves focus, develops creativity, builds resilience and confidence, and helps a child to remain calm, and think rationally under pressure.The studies proved that chess improves cognitive skills including concentration, pattern recognition, decision making, algebraic and geometric thinking, problem-solving, spatial reasoning, and critical thinking. It increases attention span and memory capacity .

Chess exercises both sides of the brain: When playing chess, your brain will be challenged to exercise logic, develop pattern recognition, make decisions both visually and analytically and test your memory. Chess can be enjoyed by any age -as a result, these brain exercises can be part of the health of your brain for your entire life. An active brain is a healthy brain. Scientists also claim that playing chess can improve mental age by upto 14 years.

Chess helps children realize the consequence of their actions: Chess teaches children from an early age that their choices have consequences both good and bad. Thinking your moves thoroughly and trying to play the best move that you can is rewarding while playing too quickly and rushing your decisions can have negative repercussions. Moreover, chess is not always about winning. Sometimes it’s simply about learning and so is life.

Diving into the art of chess is a worthwhile endeavour, as many educational institutions recognize excellence in chess as a measure of brilliance. Many students get into respectable colleges because of their talent in chess.

Why Chess without stress

Structured curriculum

We, CWS pride ourselves in a structural and comprehensive curriculum designed by experts closely tailored to meet the unique educational, social and recreational needs of your child. The students are exposed to a wide variety of kinesthetic, visual and auditory activities as we integrate dynamic elements such as videos, puzzles, games, and fun workouts within and outside the class.

Interactive platforms

We teach chess in a very interesting and meaningful manner. We encourage our students to participate actively in our classes. We play and analyze the games, we practice puzzles and take turns, we discuss popular games, we learn from our mistakes, we help each other and train our brains bit by bit love by moving without any stress.


Our classrooms are gymnasium of mind where logic and expression go hand in hand.At CWS, we inspire our students to think out of the box and to share their logical evaluation to their peers and to be proud of their achievements. We train our kids how to look beyond obvious rather than just playing action/ reactionary game. We practice pattern recognition, solve tactics logically and take memory tests. In our classrooms, the mind is programmed to multitask and prepares a child to learn basic life skills.


To inculcate the habit of healthy competition among our students and to make chess more fun we organize various events regularly. Our chess tournaments are hosted by certified USCF Tournament Director. Our students earn USCF ratings which eventually help them to beautify their resume for college admissions. To motivate our students, we also distribute prizes to the winners.

Certified USCF rated coaches from a rich educational background:

Our coaches are well qualified USCF rated certified chess trainers with many years of teaching experience especially in schools of United States. They are not only the subject experts but have the ability to connect with their students on a personal level.


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